4 Things to Consider Before Changing Careers in 2020

May 29, 2020


For most people, there comes a time where their current career is not cutting it and a career change is in order. But should that career change be joining a new organization or making a total career shift?

The events of 2020 — from COVID placing our occupations in perspective to the current economy shutting down many of our workplaces may have sparked this process in many of our minds. So, what are the surefire signs you should make a career pivot, even in this economy?

  1. You’re looking at an industry that is expanding in 2020.

If you are looking to make a career change right into an industry that is currently expanding, you may be making a good move. Making investments in a career change, like receiving higher education, should be carefully considered for their ROI. And in the 2020 economy, certain fields are much safer bets than others.

The argument for a change into a growing field is especially strengthened if you are leaving a struggling one, such as travel or hospitality.

  1. You cannot imagine going back to your career after COVID-19. 

However, complete pragmatism does not have to be the only reason for a career shift.

One of the biggest indicators that it is time for a switch is that you cannot imagine going back to the way things were. People are finding incredible comfort in the escape provided by this new normal and are dreading the idea of having to go back to work. It’s normal for anyone to find it hard to be as motivated under these circumstances, but not caring about the quality of your work and having more anxiety at the thought of going back to work is a clear indication that a change is in order.

If you have been dreading the workday since COVID-19 began — and if that feeling existed under the skin before all of this went down or continues once this is over, it may be time for a change.

  1. There’s nowhere to grow.

If you fail to get excited about your next career move or if you have no idea what that next move would be, it may be time to change professions. After all, making a career shift is not a failure to achieve that next step, it’s just a recognition that another path may be better.

Your next career path may be something you have not considered yet.

Your time is best spent thinking about what makes you happy, what makes you feel fulfilled, what your goals are, and what your strengths are. Somewhere, these aspects all meet in the middle, but you must think outside the box. What are your skills? Where else can they be applied? What industries have you never considered before?

  1. You’ve done the groundwork and you still want to change. 

Too often, when people seek a career change, they do so with a ‘grass is greener’ mindset, meaning their primary motivator to make a change is based on trying to get rid of something negative they’re experiencing in their current job. When changing something negative is your main motivator, you tend to have the perspective that anything will be better than your current situation. This thinking blinds you from critically assessing other opportunities to see if they really will be a good fit for you or lead to some of the same feelings you have in your current position.

Doing the groundwork means taking time to evaluate the elements you both enjoy and dislike about your current situation. Then, developing a strong visualization and understanding of what you are looking for in your next job. This will help you compare companies and job postings to your ideal position to help you decide if applying or accepting an offer will be worth it.

If you have done the groundwork and still want to change, then you know your desire is for real. Now, it is time to get started!

If you’re unsure about what career path to choose, you can take our free Job Fit Assessment to determine what industry your skills would be most successful in.

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